Looking For Cards For Our Header


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Staff member
As the title says, I'm looking for cards to add to the header here at SCA. I'd like a mixture of newer and older cards. Obviously the more well known, or popular, a card/player is, the more likely it is that it will be used. I will probably use just six cards in the header, but the more submissions I can get the better.

Here's what I'm looking for:
  • The card can be any player from any sport, but it must be a sports card (no non-sports stuff).
  • The scan/photo must be yours. You don't have to own the card anymore, but you should have owned the card, and scanned/photographed the card yourself.
  • The card must be a vertically oriented card. For the header photo I'm working on, horizontally oriented cards just won't work very well.
  • It doesn't need to be high resolution. Anything over 300px tall will work.
That's it! That's all that is required. If you have a card that you'd like to see featured in our header, and you have a scan/photo of it, send it to me at [email protected] with the subject "Site Header".