USPS (need I say more?)


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5.00 star(s)
Hey friends,

I went to the Post Office to mail an item I sold on ebay yesterday, and an older man was at the counter trying to get a lead on where his item was. He had a tracking number, and had checked Informed Delivery daily he said, but no luck since January 17th, though it was marked as having arrived at our local Post Office but had not been delivered. It was now February 3rd, and his item was showing up "In transit to next facility, arriving late." The clerk at the Post Office said a few things that I wanted to share, since I think they may be helpful.

1. She said that mail 5x7 and under gets scanned at the distribution facilities, NOT the local Post Office (which I did not know). She also said that the "In transit" is more of a placeholder, it can be marked as that for quite some time.

2. USPS has more items than they can handle, and they are short on personnel.

3. Mail goes to the wrong post office FREQUENTLY. Machines scan and sort most everything, and items go in the wrong bin, on the wrong truck, to the wrong city ALL THE TIME. (This is why we pay such exorbitant amounts for postage, and still have slow service and items lost frequently).

4. I also learned that an item can be marked as arrived at your local Post Office, but may not actually be there! If the crate that your item was in arrived, but your item was not in there, you will get it marked as having arrived, but then a few days later, you will get it marked as "In transit to next facility, arriving late." Then, your option is to wait, according to the very nice lady at our local PO.

**Now, I do not like waiting 3 weeks for mail, and the gentleman made eye contact with me as he was leaving. I stopped him in the doorway, since there were several people in front of me, and said I couldnt help but overhear his dilemma (3 weeks and no package delivered!). I mentioned that he might try filing a missing mail request, which he was not familiar with. I explained to him that I had just last week filed one for an item I had waited over 3 weeks for, that had been delivered just yesterday, only 3 days after I filed the missing mail request. I told the gentleman I had filed at least 4 missing mail requests in the past few months, since when those get filed, someone has to go search for the item, otherwise who knows, it may just sit there for longer!

To give a little perspective: I mailed a Cubs scorecard to my best friend in Chicago, and he received it on Christmas Eve. It was in a 9x13 envelope with proper stamps and no tracking number. I live in Southern Illinois, about 300 miles door to door. He was all excited about his Christmas gift.....that I had mailed when I got it in a trade in JUNE! That's right friends, 6 months from here to there. I could have walked it there much faster!


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Hey friends,

I went to the Post Office to mail an item I sold on ebay yesterday, and an older man was at the counter trying to get a lead on where his item was. He had a tracking number, and had checked Informed Delivery daily he said, but no luck since January 17th, though it was marked as having arrived at our local Post Office but had not been delivered. It was now February 3rd, and his item was showing up "In transit to next facility, arriving late." The clerk at the Post Office said a few things that I wanted to share, since I think they may be helpful.

1. She said that mail 5x7 and under gets scanned at the distribution facilities, NOT the local Post Office (which I did not know). She also said that the "In transit" is more of a placeholder, it can be marked as that for quite some time.

2. USPS has more items than they can handle, and they are short on personnel.

3. Mail goes to the wrong post office FREQUENTLY. Machines scan and sort most everything, and items go in the wrong bin, on the wrong truck, to the wrong city ALL THE TIME. (This is why we pay such exorbitant amounts for postage, and still have slow service and items lost frequently).

4. I also learned that an item can be marked as arrived at your local Post Office, but may not actually be there! If the crate that your item was in arrived, but your item was not in there, you will get it marked as having arrived, but then a few days later, you will get it marked as "In transit to next facility, arriving late." Then, your option is to wait, according to the very nice lady at our local PO.

**Now, I do not like waiting 3 weeks for mail, and the gentleman made eye contact with me as he was leaving. I stopped him in the doorway, since there were several people in front of me, and said I couldnt help but overhear his dilemma (3 weeks and no package delivered!). I mentioned that he might try filing a missing mail request, which he was not familiar with. I explained to him that I had just last week filed one for an item I had waited over 3 weeks for, that had been delivered just yesterday, only 3 days after I filed the missing mail request. I told the gentleman I had filed at least 4 missing mail requests in the past few months, since when those get filed, someone has to go search for the item, otherwise who knows, it may just sit there for longer!

To give a little perspective: I mailed a Cubs scorecard to my best friend in Chicago, and he received it on Christmas Eve. It was in a 9x13 envelope with proper stamps and no tracking number. I live in Southern Illinois, about 300 miles door to door. He was all excited about his Christmas gift.....that I had mailed when I got it in a trade in JUNE! That's right friends, 6 months from here to there. I could have walked it there much faster!


Unacceptable, what a shame.
Unacceptable, what a shame.

I agree Eli, its rough. I wanted to at least share with everyone what I heard yesterday, I get that it is not the employees' fault at all, but the way things are going (high prices, lost items, etc.), USPS is headed in the wrong direction. We rely on them a lot too, FEDEX and UPS are way too expensive for sending normal items on a regular basis, so USPS is the only game in town so to speak.


I mailed a bubble mailer with tracking to a member in Massachusetts on December 9th of last year. It has stated on the USPS web site that it arrived at the post office on December 17th. And it still states the same this to this day. I can understand things being a little behind but this is unacceptable.
I mailed a bubble mailer with tracking to a member in Massachusetts on December 9th of last year. It has stated on the USPS web site that it arrived at the post office on December 17th. And it still states the same this to this day. I can understand things being a little behind but this is unacceptable.
I mailed a bubble mailer with tracking to a member in Massachusetts on December 9th of last year. It has stated on the USPS web site that it arrived at the post office on December 17th. And it still states the same this to this day. I can understand things being a little behind but this is unacceptable.


Definitely go the missing mail route if you haven't yet. Otherwise stuff is just sitting there...out of sight, out of mind. It's frustrating, but that's the reality of it. Welcome to SCA, by the way, I remember you from the old Bench days!


I have had this happen a number of times where a package was placed in the wrong crate. In one case I called and was told it was put in a crate for a PO 5 miles away but different city. I called them and asked if I just couldn't come and pick it up. Nope, it had to be scanned and delivered by the P.O. Well, it went back to a distribution point 110 miles away then back to another distribution point and finally back to me 4 days later. BTW, I have had extremely poor service using a PWE until I figured out that, since I started using a #10 envelope, I have had no problems. I don't know why, maybe because there are so many regular envelopes being sent, the system can't handle it.
Not trading card related, but about a month ago I guess I had purchased a DVD at Ebay. The tracking went smoothly and one day I got an email notice that said the package had been delivered. When I got home that night the package wasn't there.I checked tracking and it had marked the package as having been delivered that day (before noon I think). I had another package from eBay that arrived at my doorstep and was marked as being delivered at my door. I waited the next day to see if the package arrived as I know sometimes when something is marked as being delivered it is still in the truck waiting to be delivered and usually gets delivered the next day. The Ebay standard envelopes are notorious for this. Well the package was again a no show. I thought that once again I had been the victim of porch pirates being in a garden style apartment, but why only take one package and not both? However that didn't make sense since the delivery notice said the package was IN or around the mailbox not my front door, and I had received the other package by the door. Still it is possible it was left by the mailboxes and someone grabbed it. Fortunately for me the package finally arrived about 5 days after the "delivered" notice IN my mailbox. So it is possible the post office was backlogged for some reason. I think it was after all the holidays backups and not part of them but it could have been.
Wow, Kirk. I have, like you said, had some say delivered then show up the next day but five days! Yeah, that'd be a first...although nothing surprises me these days.
Hey friends,

I went to the Post Office to mail an item I sold on ebay yesterday, and an older man was at the counter trying to get a lead on where his item was. He had a tracking number, and had checked Informed Delivery daily he said, but no luck since January 17th, though it was marked as having arrived at our local Post Office but had not been delivered. It was now February 3rd, and his item was showing up "In transit to next facility, arriving late." The clerk at the Post Office said a few things that I wanted to share, since I think they may be helpful.

1. She said that mail 5x7 and under gets scanned at the distribution facilities, NOT the local Post Office (which I did not know). She also said that the "In transit" is more of a placeholder, it can be marked as that for quite some time.

2. USPS has more items than they can handle, and they are short on personnel.

3. Mail goes to the wrong post office FREQUENTLY. Machines scan and sort most everything, and items go in the wrong bin, on the wrong truck, to the wrong city ALL THE TIME. (This is why we pay such exorbitant amounts for postage, and still have slow service and items lost frequently).

4. I also learned that an item can be marked as arrived at your local Post Office, but may not actually be there! If the crate that your item was in arrived, but your item was not in there, you will get it marked as having arrived, but then a few days later, you will get it marked as "In transit to next facility, arriving late." Then, your option is to wait, according to the very nice lady at our local PO.

**Now, I do not like waiting 3 weeks for mail, and the gentleman made eye contact with me as he was leaving. I stopped him in the doorway, since there were several people in front of me, and said I couldnt help but overhear his dilemma (3 weeks and no package delivered!). I mentioned that he might try filing a missing mail request, which he was not familiar with. I explained to him that I had just last week filed one for an item I had waited over 3 weeks for, that had been delivered just yesterday, only 3 days after I filed the missing mail request. I told the gentleman I had filed at least 4 missing mail requests in the past few months, since when those get filed, someone has to go search for the item, otherwise who knows, it may just sit there for longer!

To give a little perspective: I mailed a Cubs scorecard to my best friend in Chicago, and he received it on Christmas Eve. It was in a 9x13 envelope with proper stamps and no tracking number. I live in Southern Illinois, about 300 miles door to door. He was all excited about his Christmas gift.....that I had mailed when I got it in a trade in JUNE! That's right friends, 6 months from here to there. I could have walked it there much faster!


Here is a perfect description:
