What does this mean? Sports card acronym list


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Staff member
I thought it'd be a good idea to have a list of commonly (or not so commonly) used acronyms within the sports card world, especially for any new collectors who venture across this site in the future. If y'all know of any that aren't listed, please let me know and we'll get them on this list.

BVBook (or Beckett) value
CMBCheck my bucket
COACertificate of authenticity
FSFor sale
FTFor trade
GUGame used
HOFHall of fame
HTGHard to get
IPIn person (autograph)
LCSLocal card shop (or store)
LFLooking for
LTTFLooking to trade for
MSFMust send first
NFTNot for trade
NMNear mint
NPNNo purchase necessary
PCPersonal collection
PCMBPlease check my bucket
PWEPlain white envelope
RCRookie card
SASESelf addressed stamped envelope
SPShort print
TTMThrough the mail
VHTGVery hard to get
WTBWant to buy
WTTWant to trade
WTTFWant to trade for