WTTF: 90s UD Baseball Heroes


New member
5.00 star(s)
I've got the full Reggie, Nolan Ryan, Hank Aaron, and Ted Williams sets.

I'm missing
Johnny Bench Joe Morgan
40 of 45
41 of 45
42 of 45
43 of 45
45 of 45
Willie Mays
46 of 54
49 of 54
52 of 54
54 of 54
(Need the checklist and painted card)

Baseball Heroes dupes for trade.

I have no Bench/Morgan, no Aaron, and only 1 Mays (#50)
I have a ton of Reggie, Ryan, and Williams dupes. Will list them all if someone needs that. All stored away since packs were opened and in fantastic shape.

I'd also trade Reggie, Ryan, and Williams dupes for Mantle and Ruth Heroes. I was out of collecting when those guys came out.

Also, I need 2 Montana Football Heroes.
For trade I have
#1, 3, 6, 7