Best nicknames in sports history?


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Every has heard players nicknames almost from the inception of sports themselves. Colorful descriptions of players feats or hometowns or other descriptors are as old as sport. In my almost 54 years I have heard thousands of nicknames across all sports. Players like "Duke" Snider and Charlie Hustle are names given to players decades ago and stuck. In this thread, I would like us to list some of our favorites.

Even though I am not a huge Kevin Durant fan, the nickname "Slim Reaper" is probably one of my all time favorite nicknames. Lets see your favorite couple.

My top three:

"Slim Reaper" Kevin Durant
"Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose
Al "The mad Hungarian" Hrabosky
Mark "The Bird" Fidrych is a classic.

And in the mid 60s the Chiefs had the tallest and shortest player in pro football on their roster at the same time. Ernie "Big Cat" Ladd and Noland "Super Gnat" Smith. There are some pictures of 6'9" Ladd standing next to 5'6" Smith on the sidelines.

Jeff, I remember this conversation from the old Bench days....John "Hondo" Havlicek!

Cool Papa Bell is a legend from the N.egro Leagues, his given first name is James, but few people remember that! He has a street here in STL named after him!


Jeff, I remember this conversation from the old Bench days....John "Hondo" Havlicek!
View attachment 429

Cool Papa Bell is a legend from the N.egro Leagues, his given first name is James, but few people remember that! He has a street here in STL named after him!

View attachment 430

I forgot about Hondo being nicknamed from the TV show Hondo. Man, Havlicek really looked like Ralph Taeger who played Hondo in the 1967 TV series of the same name.
When it comes to physical appearences, Frank Howard being nicknamed from John Wayne's Hondo certainly makes sense just as Havlicek being nicknamed after the TV Hondo does.
I would definitely agree with that! Frank without glasses bears a resemblance to young John Wayne!