Bump threads

Yes, I think that's probably something I can get installed here soon. I do want to make a few changes to it, though, so give me at least a few days to get it worked out and installed.
Just as an FYI, the thread bumping tool was installed today so, please, if you want to bump your thread just use that rather than posting some one word reply just to bump your thread.

Right now, you may have up to 2 actively bumped threads at a time. You may only have 1 bumped thread in each forum. So, you can have one in baseball trading and baseball buying/selling, but not both in the baseball trading. Also, thread bumps expire after 24 hours.
So yesterday I identified an issue with the thread bumper that was actually expiring the bumps after just 30 seconds. This has now been fixed and bumps should now remain active for the the duration of their set time (currently 24 hours).