Favorite Movies!

My genre of movies is comedies or science fiction. I remember seeing ET, Close Encounters, and all three first Star Wars movies in the theater when they came out. For comedies there are just way too many: Caddy Shack, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Wayne's World, Stripes, Animal House . . . There are just way too many movies, we could fill up hundreds of pages. LOL :)

Great choices! My wife and I went to the Fabulous Fox theatre in STL this past December to a screening of Christmas Vacation, after which Chevy Chase came out for an audience Q&A! We have seen the movie many times, and it was a ton of fun, because many audience members had character costumes on, ugly sweaters with lines from the movie, etc.

My wife had never seen Caddyshack or 3 Amigos, so we watched both over the Holidays!