Just a few new additions.


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If you've been on a site that I've ran before, then you've probably seen these little features before, but I wanted to just make a quick announcement that they are now added to this site too.

To access all of these features, in the future, links to each of them have been added to the site's footer.


These are just a few little tools that are fairly helpful to collectors.
  • List randomizer - This one is useful, especially for group breakers, so that they can quickly randomize a list of breakers for a random team drawing, for example, but this can be used for any kind of text-based list.
  • Fee calculator - Just a simple tool for buyers, and sellers, to calculate what the PayPal fees might be on a transaction. Please note that there are so many different ways to pay these days that the calculator might not be accurate in all cases. I've got it set up for what I'd consider a standard merchant payment.

Avatar Gallery​

The avatar gallery is something that I originally wrote when I owned The Bench. They had one on the old forum software, so I wrote a new one when I converted that site to XenForo. I've installed it here now, with a few little styling changes and, more importantly, a way to edit/delete avatars that have already been added.