Posting error


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Hi there,
what's the limit on characters on posting? I'm getting an error of:
Please enter a message with no more than 50000 characters.

I check on word and it doesn't pass 10000 characters.
Hi there,
what's the limit on characters on posting? I'm getting an error of:
Please enter a message with no more than 50000 characters.

I check on word and it doesn't pass 10000 characters.

Yes, the limit is 50,000 characters. I'm assuming what you're pasting is including a lot of mark-up, which isn't counted in word. Try pasting it as plain text. If you're on a Windows desktop, you can do that by right-clicking and clicking "Paste as plain text" or by using "CTRL+SHIFT+V". On Android, long press, then click "Paste as plain text". I'm sure there are similar methods on Apple, but I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly how to do it.
Just as a follow-up, I'm not sure which post you're referring to, but this one:

The first post in that thread contains 46,606 characters and 6,553 words. Perhaps when you're pasting it into Word it's counting the words, rather than the characters?
Just as a follow-up, I'm not sure which post you're referring to, but this one:

The first post in that thread contains 46,606 characters and 6,553 words. Perhaps when you're pasting it into Word it's counting the words, rather than the characters?
That's correct, thanks
Mike, I have been getting no print optimized window pop-up when I go to print a transaction, but I can print the transaction page with all the clutter so I am doing that Am using Google Chrome. Carlton
Mike, I have been getting no print optimized window pop-up when I go to print a transaction, but I can print the transaction page with all the clutter so I am doing that Am using Google Chrome. Carlton
Ok, thank you. I'll look into that as soon as I can. I have a funeral this afternoon and promised the kiddo I'll help him build something this evening but, hopefully, I should be able to dig into it tomorrow.

For help troubleshooting, what happens when you click on the "Print" button? It just does nothing?
It flashes and then you return to the original forum transaction page you tried to print from.
Ok, sounds like it's trying to work then, but it's not popping up the print options screen. I'll remove the code that automatically closes the page, which should solve the issue. Not sure when I'll be able to get to this, but definitely within the next few days. Sorry about that!