Print option for transactions

This has already been suggested and is something I'm working on. In fact, I've already finished the coding on it so it'll be added to the next update (some point this week).
This has already been suggested and is something I'm working on. In fact, I've already finished the coding on it so it'll be added to the next update (some point this week).
The print option is not working for some reason, when I press it, it just refreshes the page.
The print option is not working for some reason, when I press it, it just refreshes the page.

I coded it so that it should open the printable page, initiate the print in your browser, then close the page. Maybe there's an issue with the javascript that I need to look at. Can you tell me what operating system/browser you're using?
I coded it so that it should open the printable page, initiate the print in your browser, then close the page. Maybe there's an issue with the javascript that I need to look at. Can you tell me what operating system/browser you're using?

Yep, looks like there are some issues with getting Safari to print with the Javascript code I'm using. I'll try a workaround in the next update. If that doesn't work I'll just go back to the old method of just opening a new window and letting folks choose to print themselves. I was just hoping to save a step for folks if possible.
Works great in Firefox.

I have a terrible tendency to only test things in Google Chrome, because that's what I use. I guess I just assume if it works in that it'll work in any browser. Unfortunately Apple doesn't adhere to the same standards as the rest of the tech world.