Transaction Manager Suggestions


5.00 star(s)
Mike, a couple of more ideas about the Transactions area: I do like having the ability to add comments to a transaction in case of delivery issues, or whatever; and, I see that all Transactions show up in the Transactions area, not just the ones you are involved in. The more members coming onboard will surely swamp this and make it very hard to find - may a filter? Just some thoughts.
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So one of the unique things I'm trying out on this site is making everything, related to transactions, completely transparent. I want anyone to be able to look at everyone's full transaction history, rather than only seeing a number and a rating. That's why every transaction has a publicly visible thread, or "Discussion" attached to it. That takes the place of the "Comment" page, that you might be used to, on other sites. If anything needs to be updated in private, I'd recommend using a DM for that. I imagine the vast majority of transactions run perfectly smooth and shouldn't require any updates that couldn't be posted in the main discussion thread. Even transactions that are a little bumpy generally receive a 5-star rating just because folks don't want to ruffle any feathers. Now, if a transaction takes over a month to finish, the members of the site will have a way to know that happened and, if there's a pattern with a specific member, decide they don't want to deal with that member anymore. On other sites nobody other than the traders involved, and possibly the moderators, would know that happened, or has been happening.

Hope this makes sense but, it's really just all for the sake of transparency and helping members to get a better picture of their trade partners before they decide to deal with them. At least for the members who are willing to do the research beforehand.

As for the transactions page, there are filters that you can use but if you're only wanting to see your transactions, there is a link to "Your transactions" in the main navigation, below "Transactions". Something I did just think of, thanks to your suggestion, would be making it so that if you're logged in the main button will take you to only your transactions with a sub-nav to "View all transactions", then if you're not logged in the main button takes you to the list of all transactions. I'm not sure if that's doable, but I'll look into it and find out.
So, yeah, after a quick peak I will be able to change the way the navigation button works. After I install the next update (later this week) the main transaction button will take you to a list of only your transactions, as long as you're logged in, rather than the page that lists them all.
This make perfect sense, thanks for your diligence and patience. I do know that the USPS performance has been the issue most discussed in the transaction "comments" areas in my experience. And it does seem that certain areas of the country have worse USPS performance than others. If there ever becomes a metric based on "time to complete" transactions I hope it considers USPS failures as out of members control. Heck, if you really think about it, this hobby is dependent on the USPS at the foundation level. Shipping costs show no signs of stopping their exponential increases. Sorry for the rant.