WTTF Matt Shaw


New member
5.00 star(s)
In addition to trading for the players in my signature, I am also currently trading for any/all Matt Shaw cards. I have a lot of cards to trade in return, but they are mostly stored in a Beckett "Collections" inventory database, which is not really linkable, and too big to send in its entirety, so I will just need to get the specific players/needs you are looking for, to search the database. I also have a selling presence on buysportscards.com, but that is mostly base cards and lower value inserts. LMK if we can make a deal.
I tried opening a trade over there but it said you have no items for trade. Do you have bowman's Best cards or finest refractors? I can send some lists of those players.

I don't think my Collections profile has been set up for trading there. Let me try that first. Hopefully, it's easy
I set all my Collections to "Public". Do you know if that will open it up for you. If not, then maybe you know more than I do about getting my collections available for Trade?
That does not do it. What you have to do is when you enter cards into your org that you want to trade away you have to add them to you "trade away" since you did not do it you have to go into your org and do it there. you can do 250 cards at a time by clicking the (make sure you are viewing 250 at a time)


"Fill trade away"

Then people can look at your profile and initiate trades with you on beckett and see your inventory. There is a way for me to see you org since you made it public....but I'll have to figure that one out.

Okay, thanks for your help Bill

I tried to do the "Fill Trade Away", but it told me I had to fill in a trade "value", which I think would be item-by-item. It's probably going to be easire for me to send a cut-and-paste of the Bowman's Best and Finest cards. I'll do that in the next day or so to you by PM