Looking For Cards For Our Header


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As the title says, I'm looking for cards to add to the header here at SCA. I'd like a mixture of newer and older cards. Obviously the more well known, or popular, a card/player is, the more likely it is that it will be used. I will probably use just six cards in the header, but the more submissions I can get the better.

Here's what I'm looking for:
  • The card can be any player from any sport, but it must be a sports card (no non-sports stuff).
  • The scan/photo must be yours. You don't have to own the card anymore, but you should have owned the card, and scanned/photographed the card yourself.
  • The card must be a vertically oriented card. For the header photo I'm working on, horizontally oriented cards just won't work very well.
  • It doesn't need to be high resolution. Anything over 300px tall will work.
That's it! That's all that is required. If you have a card that you'd like to see featured in our header, and you have a scan/photo of it, send it to me at [email protected] with the subject "Site Header".
Thanks to @Prosefan1 for some of the card photos for the header. I've added something for now, but will probably change it up a bit later on. I'm thinking it might look better with a little color rather than the black and white, and I'm kinda "testing" with some horizontally oriented cards. I'll give it some time to settle with me a bit and see how it goes. Doesn't need to be perfect. This thing doesn't show on mobile devices anyways and over half our visitors use mobile devices so there's that...

Thanks again Darryl!